
Privacy Manager

The company Domanský s.r.o, with its registered office at Českobrodská 566, Prague 9, ID No. 62914910, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 35498 (hereinafter also referred to as the “Company” or “our Company”), This hereby allows you to inform you about the manner and extent of the processing of your personal data and to inform you of your rights as personal data subjects in connection with the processing of your personal data by companies.What personal data we process

The personal information you provide us

We process personal information you provide to us.

Personal data that we obtain other than directly from you

Personal information we collect other than directly from you

As part of joint marketing campaigns with Guru marketing s.r.o. we may also process your personal data. We can combine them for the purposes of marketing campaigns or for the purposes of proper performance of the contract.

In the event that your personal data is transferred to another entity, we will inform you in advance, including the person to whom we transfer personal data. If someone passes on your personal data to us, they must also inform you in advance.

Personal data we process automatically

When you visit our website, we may collect certain information about you, such as your IP address, date and time of access to our website, information about your web browser, operating system or your language settings. We may also process information about your behavior on our website, ie what links on our website you visit and which goods are displayed to you. However, due to your maximum privacy, the information about your behavior on the website is anonymized and therefore we cannot even assign it to a specific user, ie a specific person.

If you access our website from a mobile phone or similar device or through one of our mobile applications, we may also process information about your mobile device.

Personal information we provide to third parties

The administrator uses third-party tools to evaluate traffic - Google Analytics - detailed information about this service and security certificate can be found here

The consent provided for marketing purposes is voluntary, but is necessary for the provision of individual offers of our products and services. We cannot provide you with individual offers without such consent.

The consent can be revoked at any time at the following contact links of the Administrator or directly on the electronic account of each user.


We also automatically cookies.

Camera systems at our premises

Camera systems at our facilities

We also automatically process recordings from cameras at our facilities.

Our stone establishments are monitored by camera systems with online transmission and recording. We have cameras on the premises both for the purpose of prevention and for the purpose of clarifying possible illegal activities. The operator of the camera system is Domanský s.r.o.

Entities whose personal data our company processes may be primarily clients and potential clients of our company, especially our customers, recipients of our services, recipients of financing and their representatives, website visitors and users of other communication and business channels, other parties to contractual relations, or . other entities whose personal data are legally certified by our company.

Versions for mobile phones and mobile apps

If you enter our website from a phone, tablet, or similar device, we optimize it for these devices. In this case, we process your personal information in a manner similar to that of your computer.

Why We Collect and Process Your Personal Information

We process your personal data for the following reasons:

  • Purchase of goods and services: first of all, we process your personal data in order to properly process, ship and deliver your order. If any problems arise, thanks to your personal data, we know who we can contact.
  • Customer care: if you contact us with a question or problem, we must process your data to answer or resolve it. In some cases, personal data may also be passed on to third parties (eg carriers of goods).
  • User account: thanks to the personal data you provide us in your user profile, you will have access to a number of useful functions (eg if you provide your phone number, we can easily inform you when the order will be delivered to you). You can change the data you enter at any time, with the exception of the e-mail address, which is used to access your user account.
  • Marketing activity:
  • E-mail marketing: we send you e-mail business messages based on your consent. You can easily unsubscribe from receiving business messages by writing to email: or calling +420 731 036 734.
  • Marketing competitions: in some cases, the winner of the competition can be photographed, or mainly to increase the transparency of our marketing competitions. We perform this processing of personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest, which consists in increasing the credibility of marketing competitions in the eyes of other competitors and in increasing the attractiveness of these competitions. You can object to this processing - see contact above.
  • Improving our services: using your order history and web behavior, we can offer more relevant offers of other goods, such as accessories for purchased products. In certain places, we display products that are directly for you and meet your needs and interests. We can also use tools for testing various variants (so-called A / B testing), Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics, etc. to optimize elements on the website.
  • Customer reviews of goods and services: after you buy goods or services from us, you may be asked to rate them. Ratings can also be entered on your own initiative.
  • Enforcement of rights and legal claims and control of public authorities: we may also process your personal data because we need them to exercise our rights and legal claims (eg in the event that you have an outstanding claim against us). We may also process your personal data because we need them for the purposes of inspections carried out by public authorities and for other similarly serious reasons.

We process personal data on these legal documents

Performance and conclusion of the contract

We need a large part of your personal data in order to be able to conclude a purchase or other contract with you regarding the goods or services that you want to purchase from us. As soon as the contract is concluded, we process your personal data in order to properly deliver the purchased goods to you, or to properly provide you with the services you have selected or purchased. Based on this legal reason, we mainly process invoicing and delivery data. For this purpose, your identification data, contact data and information related to the subject of the contract (eg service identification, subject of financing, payment data, etc.) will be processed to the necessary extent.

Eligible interests

We also use your personal information to provide you with relevant content, ie content that is of interest to you. Based on a legitimate interest, we process personal data in this way, which we process automatically and cookies.

For the same legal reason, we can send you e-mail and SMS messages as our customers. The processing of your personal data on this legal basis also takes place during monitoring carried out via cameras at our individual establishments.

If we process your personal data on the basis of this legal reason, you can object to this processing by writing to the email: or by calling +420 731 036 734.

This processing is necessary to protect the company's interests, eg in debt collection or for internal administrative purposes. For this purpose, the company may also process data to ensure the safe use of the services offered.


For the purposes of sending business messages (eg e-mail marketing and telemarketing), we process your personal data based on your consent. We send you e-mail business communications with your consent. You can easily unsubscribe from the collection of business communications by writing to the email: or by calling +420 731 036 734. If you give us your consent to the processing of personal data, you can revoke it at any time.

Our company needs your consent to process your personal data for marketing purposes. With your consent, the company processes your personal data for the purpose of offering trade and services, and also performs marketing processing and analysis, including through automated processing and profiling, in order to improve the quality of services provided and adapt the offer to your needs. Consent for marketing purposes is primarily granted by the company itself, so that it can process your data, for example, to create a suitable offer beyond the existing contractual relationship. The company can contact you mainly by phone, SMS message, e-mail or even by post, while the company complies with the obligations arising from other legal regulations when sending business messages.

Transmission of personal data to third parties

In these cases, we pass on your personal data to third parties:

  • Delivery of goods: the carrier of your choice would never be able to deliver the ordered goods to you if we did not provide him with information on where, when and to whom the goods should be delivered. We will pass this information to the carrier according to how you fill it in the order. The information provided in this way includes, in particular, your name and surname, delivery address, telephone number at which the carrier can contact you and, if the goods have not been paid for in advance, the amount to be paid upon receipt of the goods. In relation to the personal data we provide, the carrier is entitled to process them only for the purpose of delivery of goods and then delete the personal data without delay.
  • Delivery of goods stored for us by the contractual partner: if you order goods from us that are in the warehouse of our contractual partner, we must pass your personal data to this contractual partner, who will process the order, in order to complete the order. The data provided in this way include, in particular, your name and surname, delivery address, telephone number where the carrier can contact you and, if the goods have not been paid for in advance, the amount that must be paid upon receipt of the goods. This contractual partner must then pass on the personal data to the carrier who will deliver the goods, otherwise the carrier would not be able to deliver the goods to you. Both the contractual partner who stores the goods for us and the carrier are obliged to use this personal data only for the purposes of storage / delivery of the goods in relation to the personal data we pass on to them and then to delete them immediately.
  • Payment cards: our company does not have information about the payment cards you pay with us. Only your secure payment gateway and the relevant banking institution have information on your payment cards. The paying customer must be verified in accordance with the relevant legal regulations in such a way as to prove that he is a real, authorized payment card holder with regard to the legitimate interest in performing the transaction. The paying customer will be verified before the payment is authorized and the funds are deducted from the cardholder's account. The above data is only stored at payment card issuers.

Your personal data is made available mainly to the company's employees in connection with the performance of their job duties, in which it is necessary to handle clients' personal data, but only to the extent necessary in that case and in compliance with all security measures. In addition, your personal data may be passed on to third parties involved in the processing of clients' personal data, or this personal data may be made available to them for another reason in accordance with the law.

The Company may also, in particular, disclose your data in fulfillment of obligations stipulated by special legal regulations, where the authorized persons may be public authorities, especially law enforcement agencies, courts, etc. Furthermore, the Company may disclose your data to entities used in the performance of its contractual obligations. arising from a contract entered into with you or to entities that the Company uses to protect its rights and legally protected interests. The company can thus entrust the processing of your personal data to a third party (processor). The recipients of your personal data are mainly representatives of our company, as well as companies through which the company enforces its receivables, law firms, advertising agencies, forwarding agencies, printing companies or providers of information systems of the Company.

How long do we process your personal information?

In the first place, we will process your data for the entire duration of the contractual relationship between us.

In the case of processing personal data for which consent has been granted, your personal data will generally be processed for a period of 7 years, or until such consent is revoked.

If you subscribe to business communications, we will process your personal data for a period of 7 years, or until you express your disagreement with their further sending.

We also point out that the personal data that are necessary for the proper provision of services, respectively. In order to fulfill all our obligations, whether these obligations arise from a contract between us or from generally binding legal regulations, we must process regardless of your consent for the period specified by the relevant legal regulations or in accordance with them (eg for tax documents it is this time period of at least 10 years).

We process data obtained through a user account or in another similar way for the period of using our services and usually 5 years after their cancellation. Subsequently, usually only basic identification data and information on the reason for which the user account was canceled or data forming part of operational advances are stored for a reasonable period of time. By default, we store your camera recordings for a period of 90 days.

If an illegal act occurs in the monitored area, we can contact the police and pass the records in question to the competent authority (police, court, etc.). In this case, the records are not deleted after 90 days, but for evidentiary reasons, we keep them until the final conclusion of the matter.

Security of personal data

Your personal data is safe with us. To prevent unauthorized access and misuse of your personal data, we have put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures.

We care deeply about protecting your personal information. Therefore, we not only regularly check their security, but we continuously improve their protection.

We try to use security measures that provide sufficient security with regard to the current state of technology. The security measures taken are then regularly updated.

Personal information for persons under 16 years of age

Our online store is not intended for children under 16 years of age. A person under the age of 16 can use our internet shop only if his or her legal guardian (parent or guardian) agrees to do so.

What rights do you have to protect your privacy?

In relation to your personal data, you have in particular the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data at any time, the right to correct or supplement your personal data, the right to request restrictions on their processing, the right to object or process your personal data, the right to access your personal data. , the right to request the transfer of your personal data, the right to be informed of a breach of security of your personal data.

Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to request information on the purpose of personal data processing, information on the scope of personal data subject to processing and their categories. , including data on the source from which the personal data were obtained, the planned time of processing, the fact whether there is an automated decision - making, including profiling and information on potential recipients or categories of recipients of personal data. You also have the right to request the correction or deletion of your personal data if they are inaccurate, resp. if the purpose of their processing has expired.

You have the right to obtain from the Company personal data concerning you and which you have provided to the Company with your consent or for the purpose of concluding or performing a contract. Upon your request, the Company will provide you with this information without undue delay in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. This right does not apply to personal data that is not processed automatically.

If you believe that the processing of personal data is contrary to the protection of your privacy and personal life or against the law, you have the right to object, request an explanation and rectify the situation, in particular to limit the processing, correction, addition or deletion of personal data. data. If you believe that your personal data is being processed unauthorized, you can contact the company or a complaint to the supervisory body, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection ( for the territory of the Czech Republic.


If you believe that the personal data we process about you are incorrect, you may contact us

Access (Portability)

You can ask us to send you an overview of your personal information by emailing or calling 731036734

At the same time, you have the right to access this information regarding your personal information:

What are the purposes of processing your personal information
What are the categories of personal data concerned
Who, besides us, are the recipients of your personal information
The scheduled time for your personal data to be stored
Whether you have the right to claim from us the repair or erasure of your personal data or the restriction of its processing or object to such processing
Information about the personal data source if we did not get it from you


You may also request that we delete information about you (however, the deletion will not affect data on documents that we are required by law to retain (such as invoices or credit notes). the application is rejected (eg if we register an outstanding receivable from you or in the case of an ongoing complaint or dispute procedure).

Please note that key information about your payment card is not stored at our company, but at our payment gateway. Therefore, this data cannot be deleted by us and it is necessary to contact the payment gateway through which you made the payment.

Except as provided above, you have the right to delete in the following cases:

Personal data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were processed
You have revoked your consent on the basis of which the data were processed and there is no other legal reason for their processing
You have raised an objection to the processing of personal data and you consider that the assessment of the objection will reveal that in a particular situation your interest outweighs our interest in the processing of this personal data.
Personal data is processed illegally
The obligation to delete is stipulated by a special legal regulation
This is the personal data of children under the age of 16

Statement of Objection

We process some of your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest (see the chapter of these conditions entitled "We process personal data on these legal documents"). If there are specific reasons on your part, you may object to the processing of your personal data. You can raise this objection by writing to email: or calling +420 731 036 734.

Restriction of processing

If (a) you deny the accuracy of your personal information, (b) your personal information is being processed illegally, (c) we no longer need your personal information for processing purposes, but you need it to determine, enforce or defend your legal claims, or if you (d) have objected to the preceding paragraph, so you have the right to limit the processing of your personal data. In this case, we may only process your personal data with your consent (except for the storage or backup of the personal data in question).

Submitting a complaint

If you believe that we are processing your personal data illegally, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Office for Personal Data Protection ( However, we would be happy if you deal with your complaints with us first. You can always easily contact us via email or call 731036734.

These Personal Data Protection Conditions, including their components, are valid and effective from 1 January 2022, and are available electronically at


I. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file, usually containing a unique identifier, that is sent to the browser's endpoint browser and located in the endpoint's repository. This file contains some anonymous information such as identifier, website name, or duration (expiration date). This file may be temporary and exists at the time of logging in to the website or may be of a permanent nature and remains in the storage of the terminal equipment for a specified expiration, or until deleted by the website user.

II. Reasons for using cookies

We use cookies primarily to ensure that the above websites work properly, and to find out what your preferences are, to target the content of the website to better meet your requirements, which result from how you browse the website and what to do with it. browsing you pay attention. We also use cookies to determine which products or services interest you and subsequently provide you with their offer. We do not use cookies to find out your other personal data, but we may also combine the data we have available through them with your personal data that you provide to us or that we obtain in another way.

III. Types of cookies used and their purpose

The company's website uses the following types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies - these cookies are necessary for the correct display of the website and ensure their proper functioning
  • Analytical cookies - the purpose of analytical cookies is to find out how users use the website and monitor their traffic. These features allow us to improve the quality and content of the website
  • Conversion and tracking cookies - these cookies allow the company to analyze the performance of various sales channels
  • Marketing cookies - these cookies are used for marketing purposes, while collecting information to better tailor advertising messages to the interests of website users

By visiting the website and enabling cookies within the browser settings (see below), you agree that we may place the cookies listed above on your terminal device.

IV. Checking and managing cookies

Legal regulations allow us to store so-called technical cookies in end devices without the need for the permission of website users. Consent is required for other types of cookies.

As a user of the website, you give your consent to cookies through your browser settings. With this setting, you can specify whether the browser should allow websites to store cookies on your end device, or you can set preferences for specific websites. Cookies already placed in the storage of your terminal device can be deleted in the browser settings or request notifications regarding stored cookies. If you delete cookies, the stored information will be permanently deleted, which, however, may affect the comfort of browsing the website, or may completely disable some of its functions.

We cooperate with third parties (processors), who may also use cookies when providing services.

The use of cookies may involve the processing of personal data. Company information Domanský s r.o. and how it processes personal data are listed in the Privacy section.