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Far Far Land Domino with pictures right 28 cards
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ar Far Land Domino with images to the right. The pack contains 28 cards. A game for 2-5 players. In a 2-player game, each player gets 7 cards. In a multi-player game, each player receives 5 cards. The remaining cards are in the "bank." The player who has a "double" card (a card with identical pictures) plays first. If neither player has a double card, each player takes one card from the bank. If more than one player has a double card, the younger one starts. However, you can make up your own rules for playing the first turn. Players take turns placing cards from their hand one by one to cards on the board with a matching image. If a player does not have a matching image, they must take a card from the bank. The player who places his last card on the board wins.If all players have cards in their hand, but it is not possible to continue playing, the game ends with a "block" and the player with the least number of cards in their hand wins.