HEADU EN: Montessori - My little house

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Everything is in its place!
With this game, children learn to recognize and sort individual pieces, determine their shape and place them in the right place.
The game MY MONTESSORI HOUSE is a teaching aid for the development of independence, self-confidence and self-esteem. It is inspired by the theories of Maria Montessori, according to which play must be enjoyable, constructive and spontaneous in order for children to develop a range of abilities and skills such as personal identity, creativity, intuition, wit, attention, logical thinking, language and social relationships.
For whom the game is intended:
The game is intended for children aged two to five. At this stage of growth, it is important to develop an interest in the world around them and curiosity, because every child has incredible potential.
Build a house:
Children will enjoy putting together six jigsaw puzzles of rooms and matching 32 objects to individual rooms and moving them and building a big house. They can play alone or they can categorize items according to the individual rooms they belong to.
Bingo rooms:
This game is played by a minimum of two and a maximum of six players.
Each child chooses a room card and places it on the table in front of them. 32 shaped object cards are shuffled and placed face down on the playing surface. Children turn over the object cards one by one. If the item belongs in their room they win it and place it in the room, if not they return the card face down to the board. The first child to add all five items to the room card wins.
Find intruders:
This game is played by two pairs of children.
Place four items from one room and one intruder into the box. One player in a pair must run to the box, find the intruder, then run back and give it to their teammate, who must say the name of the intruder out loud. The first pair to do it wins.
Find the shape:
This game is played by two pairs of children.
Place 32 shaped object cards in the box. An adult says the initial letter of the object for the children to find. One player from each pair must run to the box, find the object, then run back and give it to their teammate, who must say the name of the object out loud. The first pair to do it wins.
Lifetime playing, lifelong learning!
What does play develop in children?
Acquiring one's own identity and independence • Development of touch • Recognizing shapes • Sorting and identifying objects
Game Content:
8 cards by location: kitchen, living room, bathroom, bedroom, terrace, attic. 32 different shapes representing objects found in the room (five for each room).
Package: 28.5 x 25.5 x 6.1 cm