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Friday Market
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Fake money and real popularity
Market day has arrived - a day of shopping for beautiful
items. Various sellers offer their goods here and you have plenty of money - a full bag!
Do you want to buy a fine fabric, elegant shoes or a gilded chalice? But you are not alone in the market
. Here, they are trying to increase their reputation by buying other
wealthy ones, recognition of the townspeople… and the competition for the favor of the sellers immediately begins. Take the right coins
out of the bag and fold them over the desired items before the selected goods
in front of your nose are received by your competitors. Whoever pays the purchase price of the goods first
will receive not only the desired valuable item, but also points that increase your prestige, benefits
and privileges… Hopefully you will not get fake money from your bag, because it would
properly thwart your shopping plans!
Manufacturer's recommended age: 10+
Our experience, as well as the reactions of many children and their parents, have convinced us that this game is also suitable for your specified criteria.
Number of
players: 2-4