Race dates for the season 2024/2025
Dear competitors and supporters of OPEN Challenge Prague
We would like to remind you once again of the dates of our races held in Prague-Ruzyn.
COMPETITION ADDRESS: Drnovská 19/43 Prague 6
Race dates
I. 26.10.2024 - ONROAD
27.10.2024 - OFFROAD
II. 23.11.2024 - ONROAD
24.11.2024 - OFFROAD
III. 18.1.2025 - ONROAD
19.1.2025 - OFFROAD
IV. 8.2.2025 - ONROAD
9.2.2025 - OFFROAD
V. 8.3.2025 - ONROAD
9.3.2025 - OFFROAD
VI. 5.4.2025 - ONROAD - final announcement, raffle
6.4.2025 - OFFROAD - final announcement, raffle
You can register for individual races at the link
You can find updated Propositions.
Applications are open for the entire series, so don't hesitate and you can already register for the whole season and you don't have to think about anything just before the race ;-).