Designed for RC cars TamiyaIf the use of a basic planetary differential, you can use the part with the following chassis- TT-01- TT-01D- TT-01E (TT-01 TYPE-E) - TT-01R- TT-01R TYPE-E (58450) - TT-01D
The package contains 2 sets of track units (for one axle). The product is intended for Tamiya chassis- CC-01 and CC-02 - you need 2 packs - GF-01 - you need 2 packs - G6-01 - you need 3 packs - TT-02
Tamiya tuning gimbals Can be used with the following chassis Tamiya- TT-01- TT-01D- TT-01E (TT-01 TYPE-E) - TT-01R- TT-01R TYPE-E (58450) - TT-01D TYPE- E (58451) - TT-02 (58560) - TT-02D (58584) - TT
These hub carriers provide an 8 degree roll angle which will give your model better straight line stability and better cornering.Left/Right Aluminum Hub Carrier 1x Each Parts are Cool Blue Anodized